Bellringing in Studley
Bellringing times
Practice Night is Thursday 7:30 – 9:00 pm.
Sunday Service Ringing is 9:15 – 10:00 am
Would You Like to Have a Go and keep these bells ringing?
Ringing does not require great strength, it's more about technique. Ringers range from 9+ years to sometimes 90 years so its very often a family affair. Come along to a practice night and have a look.
If you're interested in bellringing as a hobby, you may like to read this flyer

Louise Grubb (Tower Captain) Tel 07845736033
About the bells
The original 5 bells were recast in 1688 and hung in the same wooden frame. The bells were out of action during the WW2 years until in 1957 when a treble bell was added making a ring of 6 bells and the bells were rehung in a new steel frame. At this point a new band of ringers needed to be trained. For the Millennium 2 additional bells were cast making the present-day ring of 8 bells. Details on the bells are as follows: -

Bell |
cwt qrs lbs |
Note |
inches |
Date |
Founder |
Treble / 1 |
4- 0 -7 |
G |
25.00 |
1998 |
John Taylor |
Inscription: Bell Ringers and Parishioners Millennium Bell |
2 |
4- 1 -11 |
F# |
26.00 |
1998 |
John Taylor |
Inscription: To God be the Glory |
3 |
4-0-20 |
E |
26.88 |
1957 |
John Taylor |
Inscription: Subscribed for by Parishioners |
4 |
5-1-22 |
D |
30.25 |
1688 |
Mathew I Bagley |
Inscription: Joseph Potter, Minister. |
5 |
5-3-1 |
C |
31.63 |
1688 |
Mathew I Bagley |
Inscription: Matthew Bagley Made Mee |
6 |
6-2-10 |
B |
33.00 |
1688 |
Mathew I Bagley |
Inscription: Edward Benton and Thomas Smith, CW. |
7 |
8- 0-2 |
A |
35.75 |
1688 |
Mathew I Bagley |
Inscription: Charles Russesell and William Parr, CW.
Thomas Perkins George Robins, Colector (2 coins cast into the lip) |
Tenor / 8 |
11-1-9 |
G |
39.75 |
1688 |
Mathew I Bagley |
Inscription: Fear God and Honor the King |
You can listen to Studley's ring of eight here (scroll to the bottom of the video and press the play button):
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